Gold buckwheat cultivation techniques

The golden buckwheat is a quinoa (Fagopyrum cumosum (Trev.) Meisn. The dried rhizomes are aliased as bitter buckwheat, wild buckwheat, and buckwheat. Its cool, spicy, bitter, there is Qingrejiedu, blood circulation, spleen dampness effect. Mainly produced in Shaanxi, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei, Hunan and other provinces, the East China area can also be cultivated. (-) Morphological characteristics Gold buckwheat is a perennial herb, plant height l-1.5 meters. The main root is thick, nodular, prosaic, red-brown. Stems erect, slightly reddish, many branched, ribbed. Leaves alternate, leaf blade sparsely triangular, apex long, acuminate or caudal, base anteriorly cordate; pedicel, white pubescent on stipes; stipules tube tubular. Cymes terminal or axillary, tepals 5, white. Achenes, ovate-triangular, red-brown. Flowering from July to September, fruiting period l0-l1 months. (ii) Growth habit Gold buckwheat has strong adaptability, prefers warm climate, grows well at a temperature of 15-30°C, and can be safely overwintered at a temperature of about -15°C. It is suitable for planting in fertile sandy loam soils, and the poor planting quality and quality of clay and poor drainage are poor. Seeds of golden buckwheat must absorb about 40% of its body weight to germinate, and can germinate at a temperature range of 8-35°C. The suitable temperature is 12-25°C. Germination is affected by temperatures below 8°C or above 35°C. inhibition. Golden buckwheat is sown in Beijing in April to maintain a certain humidity, the temperature is in the range of 12-18°C, and it can emerge in about 15 days, and it is in the height of its seedling emergence in 20 days. (III) Cultivation Techniques 1. Selecting land and soil preparation According to the growth habit of golden buckwheat, choose sandy loam with good drainage and high dryness. Land preparation is generally conducted in the spring, with the principle of not turning over the soil of birth. The depth of cultivation is 30-60 cm and the land is continuously plowed for l-2 times. Combining with ploughing, apply 2500-3500 kg per acre of manure or compost, then pry fine and level it to make a plutonium with a width of 1.5 meters. The length will vary depending on the topography. It is generally 8-10 meters. 2. Propagation methods Seed propagation, rhizomes or cuttings can be propagated. (1) Seed propagation will occur in spring and autumn. Spring sowing is better. Spring sowing in the end of April, the drill sowing by 45 cm, ditch deep 3 cm, evenly sowing the seeds, cover soil flat, a little repression, sowing the soil to keep moist, in the temperature of 10-18 °C conditions, 15- 20 days after emergence; autumn sowing is delayed, in late October or next month in November, sowing after the grass cover, the seeds in the soil in the winter, the second year in April emergence, the emergence rate of up to 60% -80%. It is also possible to transplant seedlings and transplants: In the Beijing area, in the middle and early March, nursery can be done in the greenhouse or in Yangshuo. In the whole Yangshuo, it is irrigated with water, and after infiltration, it is planted at intervals of 5 to 8 centimeters and covered with 2 centimeters of soil. The surface of the bowl can be covered with a plastic film, covered with grass in the evening, and emerged in 7-10 days. When there are 2-3 true leaves, they are transplanted at a spacing of 30 cm and 45 cm. (2) Rootstock propagation Before spring plant germination, the rootstock was excavated, and the healthy rootstock was cut into small pieces. Grooves were laid at a spacing of 45cm, and the ditch depth was 10-15cm. Then the rootstock was planted in a ditch with a spacing of 30cm, and the soil was compacted. . Generally, the young roots and rhizome shoots of rhizomes are selected as materials, and the survival rate and yield are high. (3) Seeding propagation Cut tissue-enriched shoots, 15-20 cm long, with 2-3 nodes, with river sand as seedbed, cuttings deep 2/3, spacing 9 cm 12 cm. Keeping the seedbed moist, the summer cuttings take root after about 20 days, and the survival rate is as high as 90% or more. 3. Field management (l) Weed removal and weeding 2-3 times during weeding. (2) Topdressing Topdressing with 50-60 cm seedlings can also be topdressed before flowering, using 15-20 kg of chemical fertilizer per acre. (3) Rows and irrigation should pay attention to the timely drainage in the rainy season, and when it is dry, it can be properly watered according to the public opinion. 4. Pest control (1) Aphid nymphs suck stalks of buckwheat stems and leaves. Control methods: 1 winter clearing the garden, deep litter or burned litter to eliminate the overwintering insects; 2 in the occurrence period with 40% dimethoate emulsion 1500 times or 80% dichlorvos emulsion 1500 times liquid spray. (2) Virus disease damages the leaves, and the damaged leaves show flower-like or curling. Control methods: 1 Select disease-free strains to retain seed, but also for the treatment of the seed before sowing virus inactivation; 2 control mediators, remove diseased branches, remove field weeds, etc. to reduce the source of field infection. (4) Harvesting and processing Timely harvesting and proper processing and drying methods are particularly important for golden buckwheat. Correct harvesting and processing can achieve high yields and high quality. Usually in the fall and winter season when the stems and leaves withered when the ground digging, cutting stems and leaves at the time of harvest, the root planing, to the net soil and sediment, will be part of a robust, disease-free roots out for species use, other dry processing into medicine, generally The yield per mu can reach 250-400 kg; the above ground, including the stem, leaf, and flower yield of 500-900 kg, can also be used medicinally. The dried golden buckwheat roots should be dried or freshly sliced ​​and dried. Drying method: drying, drying, drying at 50 °C can be, but need to pay attention to the drying temperature should not be too high, it is best not to exceed 50 °C, if more than this temperature, the quality of herbs will be significantly reduced. Golden buckwheat is a large, hard quality person is better.

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