Prevention and cure of root diseases in greenhouses

After the colony of pepper is colonized, root rot, bacterial wilt, and disease are prone to occur, causing the plants to die, causing serious damage to the yield and a great loss. In order to effectively control the occurrence of diseases, to achieve the right medicine, and timely prevention and treatment, the symptoms and prevention methods are described as follows:
First, symptom recognition
1. Root rot usually occurs after the colonization of pepper until the fruit harvesting. The branches and leaves of infected plants are wilted during the day and recover from early evening to the early morning of the next day, causing the whole plant to die after repeated days. Observing the roots, the roots and rhizomes of the diseased plants showed pale brown to brownish rotting, and they were easily stripped, mostly spreading from the roots to the main roots.
2. Bacterial wilt is a kind of bacterial disease. The symptoms at seedling stage are not obvious. After colonization, it gradually withered from the base of the main root. The surface of the rhizomes did not change color, and the vascular bundles in the vertical roots became dark brown.
3. After the disease became infected, the roots and stems of the plants became water-stained. The dark brown color quickly turned around the stems one week later. The diseased part shrank slightly, causing the whole plant to wilt and die. While harming the rhizomes, it also harms the stems and bracts of plants, which are generally brown or black-brown lesions. Old sheds are even more severe.
Second, the conditions of the above several diseases, generally by irrigation and agricultural operations infection, reinfection. After years of cultivation, the increase of pathogenic bacteria content in the soil, coupled with the high temperature and high humidity in the greenhouse, is conducive to the occurrence of diseases, especially after irrigation and soil cultivation, poor rhizosphere ventilation, more likely to promote the root disease epidemic.
Third, control methods
1. Reasonable crop rotation, scientific arrangement of cruciferous plants, cruciferous vegetables, and onions, garlic, etc. is appropriate. Try to avoid continuous cropping with solanaceous fruits, melons and other crops to reduce the accumulation of pathogens in the greenhouse.
2, strengthen the management of timely ventilation and reduce the humidity of the shed; timely take small water irrigation or drip irrigation under the membrane, can not flood irrigation, to eliminate field water; to avoid too early too deep rhizosphere soil; appropriate increase in phosphorus and potassium Fertilizers ensure that the plants grow robustly and increase their resistance to diseases.
3, clean gardens often pay attention to observe the growth of pepper, once the diseased plants should be unplugged in a timely manner, brought out of the shed outside the burned or buried deep, and remove the diseased soil around the plant or dosing treatment to control the spread of germs spread , reduce the incidence rate.
4. Anti-dosing of pesticides Do a good job in forecasting and forecasting diseases. Regular field observations are conducted. After the disease is detected, early symptomatic pesticides should be applied at the early stage of the disease to prevent and treat the roots. Root rot available 50% thiophanate-methyl wettable powder 500 times, or 50% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times, or 50% metalaxyl MnZn wettable powder 600 times, or Green Hunter No. 2 500 times Irrigation. Prevention and control of hot pepper disease can be used 50% methicone wettable powder 500 times, or 50% metalaxyl MnZn wettable powder 500 times, or 72.2% Precive 600-800 times liquid irrigation. Bacterial wilt use 600 times of green copper milk, antibiotic "401" 500 times liquid or use (100-200) 10-6 of agricultural streptomycin and 500 times of liquid love to mix roots. Generally each time the amount of liquid per plant 200-300 grams, 7 days watered once, continuous watering 3-4 times. Should pay attention to alternate use of pesticides, to prevent the emergence of drug resistance, affect the prevention and treatment of disease.
Author: Wang Jiankang Su Yongmei Source: version 2006.3.7.2 "Shaanxi Science and Technology"

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