Feed micro-preservation methods and precautions

Micro-storage can be used as the main roughage for cattle and sheep. It not only saves for a long time, but also has convenient storage and recovery. It can be used with feeding as needed, without drying. Has a wide range of sources, low cost, good palatability, long-term storage is not bad, economic security and other characteristics. First, production methods and steps 1, the revival of bacteria. Three grams (1 bag) of live dried straw can be used to treat 1,000 kg of wheat straw, rice straw, dry corn stalk, or 2,000 kg of green feed. Before processing, cut the aluminum bag and pour the bacteria into 250 ml of water to dissolve it completely. Under conditional conditions, 2 grams of sugar can be dissolved in water and then live dried bacteria can be added, which can increase the reactivation rate and ensure the quality of micro-feeds. Then, it was allowed to stand for 1-2 hours at room temperature to rejuvenate the bacteria and become a rejuvenated fungus. Prepared bacterial agents must be used up on the same day. 2, the preparation of bacterial liquid, the rejuvenation of bacteria into the fully dissolved 0.8% -1.0% of salt water and mix well (green corn stover storage without salt). Salt water and Bacterial liquid volume calculation table (kg, gram, %) Straw species Straw amount of live dried bacteria Amount of salt Amount of water Amount Storage Moisture content Wheat, Straw 1000 3 9-12 1200-1400 60-65 Dry corn 1000 3 6 -8 800-1000 60-65 green corn 1000 1.5 amount of 60-65 3, storage technology. The straw is chopped into 2-5 cm and put into the pool (if the brick pit or crypt, the plastic cloth should be lining the surrounding and bottom to ensure the sealing), 20-25 cm thick layer, evenly spray the bacteria Liquid, compacted, then spread 20-25 cm straw, and then spray the bacteria liquid, compaction, until 40 cm higher than the pit, and then sealed. If the filling cellar is not full on the same day, it can be covered with a plastic film. When the cellar is filled on the second day, the plastic film is removed and the filling is continued. 4, sealed cellar. Layer compaction to 40 cm higher than the pit, after fully compacted, sprinkle a small amount of salt on top, and then compacted and covered with plastic sheeting. The amount of salt used is 250 grams per cubic meter. Its purpose is to ensure that the upper part of the micro-feed does not produce mildew. After covering with a plastic sheet, sprinkle 20-30 cm thick rice and wheat straw on top and cover it with 15-20 cm soil. 5, open cellar. Generally, it takes 30 days after being stored in the cellar to open the cellar. Second, pay attention to matters. The moisture content of micro-preserved feed is generally 60-65%, at least can not be less than 55%, when the water content is too much, it will cause the concentration of sugar and jelly in the straw to thin, destroying the concentration required by the acid-producing bacteria, The acid-producing bacteria cannot grow normally, and the harmful bacteria in the feed grow rapidly, resulting in deterioration of the feed. When the water content is too low, the straw is not easy to be compacted, and there is too much residual air in the feed, which can not guarantee the conditions of anaerobic fermentation, so that the fermentation of the acid-producing bacteria is not enough and the harmful bacteria breed in large numbers. When accessed from top to bottom layer by layer. Each dosage should be fed on the same day. After each withdrawal, the cellar should be sealed with a plastic cloth to prevent deterioration due to water intrusion. Third, the quality of micro-storage feed identification 1, see: high-quality micro-storage green corn color is olive green, wheat straw was golden brown. If you turn brown or dark green, the quality is poor. 2. Olfactory: Micro-feeds have mellow and fruity aromas, with weak acidity preferred. If the acidity is strong, it means that there is more acetic acid, which is caused by excessive water and high-temperature fermentation. If you have a rancid, musty smell, you can't feed it. 3, touch: high-quality micro-feeds feel the hands feel loose, and soft and moist. Contrary to this, getting sticky hands or sticking together indicates poor quality, and although loose, it is rough and dry.

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