Spring health: Spring is often suffocating and refreshing?

Two drinks to prevent the spring storm

Lavender Lemon Tea: Inspiring

Production: Select 5-6 dried lavender buds and place them in a teacup with lemon slices. Add boiling water for 5-10 minutes. If it is mixed with lemon juice, wait until the tea is cool and cool.

Efficacy: Because the special nutrients contained in lavender can relieve fatigue, but also has the effect of eliminating stress. The lemon has the effect of diuretic and promotes digestion. Regular consumption of lemon can also relieve headaches. The scent it emits can stimulate people's spirits, but pregnant women should not drink tea containing lemon.

Honey chrysanthemum tea: refreshing fitness

Production: 1 kg fresh chrysanthemum petals smashed, add water to cook for half an hour, two equal amounts of extraction, remove the residue, combine the two extracts, simmer to 500 ml, cool to below 60 °C and add 500 g Honey and mix thoroughly. Take 20 ml each time before meals.

Efficacy: This herbal tea can refresh and reduce fatigue.

What is good for preventing spring sleep?

Non-fat yogurt. Most women feel tired and lethargic before and after menstruation. A study showed that eating calcium-rich foods such as skim milk can significantly improve the situation. If you eat 3 small cups of skimmed yogurt or two cups of milk a day, you can reduce the symptoms of abdominal pain, fatigue, and irritability, because calcium can relieve muscle tension and regulate endocrine secretion.

oatmeal. The study found that if the fiber content of breakfast is relatively high, hunger is relatively low and there will be no feeling of hunger. Nutritionists explained that fiber can slow down digestion and continuously supply carbohydrates to blood vessels to keep the body in constant supply of energy. Oatmeal is a fiber-rich food. The energy is released slowly and evenly. It keeps the body's blood sugar level at a high level, so it will not feel hungry and full of energy soon.

Strawberry. Strawberry is rich in vitamin C, and vitamin C helps the body absorb iron, so that the cells get nourished, so eat more strawberries can make people energetic.

tuna. Tuna is a high-protein fish. Compared to other fish, tuna is rich in tyrosine, and tyrosine helps the brain produce nerve-transmitting substances in the human body, making people's attention and quick thinking.

Beans. Human survival can not be reduced iron, it is the main medium to produce human energy, it is responsible for the oxygen transfer to human organs and muscles an important task. Therefore, if there is a lack of iron in the human body, it will lead to anaemia, making people feel dizzy and weak. Although pig liver and lean meat are the best sources of iron, they often eat some red beans, black beans or soybeans, and they can also play a role in iron supplementation and can effectively improve fatigue and weakness.

In addition, there are beverages to prevent the spring storm introduced to you.

Two drinks to prevent the spring storm

Lavender Lemon Tea: Inspiring

Production: Select 5-6 dried lavender buds and place them in a teacup with lemon slices. Add boiling water for 5-10 minutes. If it is mixed with lemon juice, wait until the tea is cool and cool.

Efficacy: Because the special nutrients contained in lavender can relieve fatigue, but also has the effect of eliminating stress. The lemon has the effect of diuretic and promotes digestion. Regular consumption of lemon can also relieve headaches. The scent it emits can stimulate people's spirits, but pregnant women should not drink tea containing lemon.

Honey chrysanthemum tea: refreshing fitness

Production: 1 kg fresh chrysanthemum petals smashed, add water to cook for half an hour, two equal amounts of extraction, remove the residue, combine the two extracts, simmer to 500 ml, cool to below 60 °C and add 500 g Honey and mix thoroughly. Take 20 ml each time before meals.

Efficacy: This herbal tea can refresh and reduce fatigue.


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