Ophiopogon cultivation technology

Site preparation

Ophiopogon wild in the mountain forests, alongside the gully stream and the grass on the hillside, like the warm and humid environment. Should choose to be cultivated in sandy loam soil (without continuous cropping). Lime-cement construction waste does not grow well and can even die. The light requirements of the product vary depending on the species or variety. For example, the resistance of the ancestors is strong, and the yields of the cultivars in the open field and under the forest are not much different. The broad-leaved Ophiopogon japonicus and the Ophiopogon japonicus are exposed in the open field. It is suitable for cultivation, but the seedling stage requires the conditions of dampness. After the root formation, full lighting conditions are needed to increase the yield.

Ophiopogon japonicus is well-developed and the land should be ploughed deeply to loosen the soil so that the root system can stretch. Generally deep plowing 23 to 26 centimeters, from the sorghum, sorghum width 132 ~ 165 cm, sulcus width 33 to 39 cm, in order to facilitate drainage irrigation. Before composting, compost, manure, and turf mud are used as base fertilizers.

Breeding method

Breeding by division: From the Ching Ming to early May, select Ophiopogon japonicus plants that are robust, non-disease-free, and do not pump young leaves as seedlings. After digging the earth, Ophiopogon dig soil, cut the roots and fibrous roots, and cut off some of the rhizomes, leaving them 2 to 3 cm long. The section is white and the leaves are not scattered. At the same time, the leaves are cut to about 1/3 and then divided into individual plants. Seedlings before planting are soaked with fresh water for 10-15 minutes, so that they can absorb enough water to take root. When planting with seed soaking, if it cannot be planted in time, select a cool place for planting. The planting period varies from place to place. Guangxi is planted between the spring equinox and the Ching Ming period. The planting density differs depending on the variety. Broad-leaved Ophiopogon japonicus, Ophiopogon japonicus, etc. were opened at 16.513.2 cm with 1 to 2 plants per hole. Step by step grass by 13.213.2 cm open hole, each hole 3 to 4 seedlings cluster planting. The depth of about 3.3 cm, the soil compaction, so that the seedlings straight and stable. After the watering. The simultaneous planting of peanuts or soybeans after the cultivation of Ophiopogon japonicus is one of the measures to increase the yield of Ophiopogon. Because leguminous crops grow fast, they can meet the shading conditions required for seedlings of Miaodong, and at the same time, they can increase soil nitrogen and promote good growth. When Ophiopogon required sufficient sunlight during the expansion of the roots after October, the crops were harvested and did not affect each other.

Field management

Watering, weeding: Within two weeks after planting, watering is often done to keep the soil moist and ensure the seedlings are fully grown. From May to July, the seedlings of O. japonicus grew slowly and the weeds grew. The topsoil should be used to remove weeds.

Top dressing: After planting half a month and returning green, immediately apply thin human excrement or ammonium sulfate rushing seedlings. From June to August, when Ophiopogon japonica is in the tillering and flowering period, fecal urine is applied once a month to promote more labor. Inter-planted peanuts, after harvesting in August, spread peanuts between leaves and rows, which can keep the soil moist and can be used as fertilizer. When combining the cut roots in early September, apply salt and turf mud (0.75 kg of salt per 50 kg) to the ditch, covering about 5 cm. In late September, 3% saline solution is poured once every 10 to 15 days, and 50 kg of lime per acre is applied. The water is poured into the roots. During the expansion of roots from October to November, in addition to suitable nitrogen fertilizers, the main application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers, the second year before the beginning of spring single application of grass ash or turf mud, in order to promote root growth, increase production.

Cut fibrous roots, exposed sun: observed through trials and production practices, Guangxi cultivated broad-leaved fibrous roots grow in the early stage of the growth of fibrous roots to form a small number of roots and a small, generally 5 to 10 knots each. In some areas, the old fibrous roots are removed in the autumn, allowing them to regenerate new roots, which can expand to form roots. For the removal of one fibrous root, 60 to 80 roots of lumps are included in each pod, and 100 to 120 ribs are cut on both sides. The size of the fibrous roots is about twice as large as that of non-cut roots. Specific practices: In early September, dig the soil on both sides of Ophiopogon japonicus to expose the fibrous roots, then cut off the fibrous roots with a spatula or a knife 3.3 centimeters from the root, expose the sun 1 to 2 days (in the hot sun under the sun for a long time Can). In order to increase the yield of Ophiopogon, in addition to taking root-cutting measures, it is also necessary to cooperate with topdressing of salt fertilizer, turf mud, and lime in order to promote root formation and growth.

Harvest processing

2 to 3 years after planting, the harvest period from mid-April to early May. Select sunny days to dig Ophiopogon japonicus, remove the roots of the soil, cut the roots and fibrous roots, wash the soil that is processed. The processing method varies from place to place. For example, in Sichuan, the washed roots are exposed on the drying table or in the drying area. After the water is dried, the two sides are used (not to break the skin) and then dried. , Repeat 5 to 6 times, until the main root to go, wait for dry after the oats into the goods. Can also wash the roots on the drying ware on the sun for 3 to 5 days, the fibrous roots gradually from soft to hard on the basket after put 2 to 3 days, and then turn the sun 3 to 5 days, and often flip, in order to facilitate uniform drying . This repeated 3 to 4 times, the root dryness of 70%, you can cut fibrous roots, and then drying to dry.

If using fire bake, the temperature of 40 °C ~ 50 °C is appropriate, a total of 2 times: the first bake 15 to 20 hours, put a few days and then baked to dry. After drying, remove the fibrous roots.

The goods are dry, free of mud, no impurities and fibrous roots; no white, no damage and insects.

LED Lighting

Everything You Need To Know About LED Lighting

LEDs are a simple invention with huge potential to change the lighting industry for the better. Don`t know much about them? Here are three big things you need to know to get your feet under you:
1.What Does LED Stand For?

2.LED stands for light-emitting diode.

A diode is an electrical device or component with two electrodes (an anode and a cathode) through which electricity flows - characteristically in only one direction (in through the anode and out through the cathode). Diodes are generally made from semi-conductive materials such as silicon or selenium - substances that conduct electricity in some circumstances and not in others (e.g. at certain voltages, current levels, or light intensities).

1.What is LED Lighting?
2.A light-emitting diode is a semiconductor device that emits visible light when an electrical current passes through it. It is essentially the opposite of a photo-voltaic cell (a device that converts visible light into electrical current).
Did You Know? There is a similar device to an LED called an IRED (Infrared Emitting Diode). Instead of visible light, IRED devices emit IR energy when electrical current is run through them.

1.How Do LED Lights Work?

2.It`s really simple actually, and very cheap to produce, which is why there was so much excitement when LED lights were first invented!

The Technical Details: LED lights are composed of two types of semiconducting material (a p-type and an n-type). Both the p-type and n-type materials, also called extringent materials, have been doped (dipped into a substance called a [doping agent") so as to slightly alter their electrical properties from their pure, unaltered, or [intrinsic" form (i-type).
The p-type and n-type materials are created by introducing the original material to atoms of another element. These new atoms replace some of the previously existing atoms and in so doing, alter the physical and chemical structure. The p-type materials are created using elements (such as boron) that have less valence electrons than the intrinsic material (oftentimes silicon). The n-type materials are created using elements (such as phosphorus) that have more valence electrons that the intrinsic material (oftentimes silicon). The net effect is the creation of a p-n junction with interesting and useful properties for electronic applications. What those properties are exactly depends mostly on the external voltage applied to the circuit (if any) and the direction of current (i.e. which side, the p-type or the n-type, is connected to the positive terminal and which is connected to the negative terminal).
Application of the Technical Details to LED Lighting:

When a light-emitting diode (LED) has a voltage source connected with the positive side on the anode and the negative side on the cathode, current will flow (and light will be emitted, a condition known as forward bias). If the positive and negative ends of the voltage source were inversely connected (positive to the cathode and negative to the anode), current would not flow (a condition known as reverse bias). Forward bias allows current to flow through the LED and in so doing, emits light. Reverse bias prevents current from flowing through the LED (at least up until a certain point where it is unable to keep the current at bay - known as the peak inverse voltage - a point that if reached, will irreversibly damage the device).

While all of this might sound incredibly technical, the important takeaway for consumers is that LEDs have changed the lighting landscape for the better, and the practical applications of this technology are almost limitless. To learn about why LEDs might be a good fit for your business.

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