Slope soil improvement

There is a large difference in elevation between hilly slopes, slope direction and slope have effects on temperature, light, moisture and soil. Such as the air circulation on the slope, the temperature changes quickly, the temperature difference between day and night, the winter fruit trees prone to frost damage; cold air at the bottom of the canyon downhill easy to sink, early spring and late autumn are prone to frost. The following soil improvement measures can be taken for hilly slopes:

First, the high level of padding is low, and there are large and small valleys on the slope land, which can easily cause soil erosion and affect vineyard division, traffic and various operations. Therefore, bulldozers are applied to the valleys on the slopes in order to uniformize the division. Then, planting trenches with a depth and width of 1 meter each were dug by design spacing. The surface soil (30 cm thick) and subsoil dug by the excavation and planting trench shall be placed on both sides of the trench separately. Then, the composted compost of the farmyard is mixed with the topsoil and backfilled.

Second, the construction of high-lying soil and terraces Usually when the hillsides are built, they should first construct the earthworms on the contour line (also known as bandits). When manpower and material resources permit, they can complete the task of escalating terraces within 2-3 years. Stone walls are used to make them more durable. There are 1-10 rows of rows of terraced grapes. The terraces are narrow, with less damage to the soil layer, and have strong water retention and fertility. The width of the terraces should be wide, and the inwardly inclined terraces should be used to prevent rainwater from escaping. The terraces are high outside and low outside, with a drop of 0.2%-0.3%. During the rain, the water on Tai Tian can flow from the terraces to the drains inside the terraces, and it is discharged step by step outside the park. The length of a ladder is generally about 100 meters; if it is too long, it is inconvenient for irrigation, drainage and other operations.

3. Shallow ploughing and shallow ploughing can prevent evaporation of soil moisture, eradicate weeds and harmful pests and parasites on topsoil or soil surface, reduce the resistance of cultivated land, and improve the quality of cultivated land. Shallow plough depth is generally 4-7 cm. In uncultivated land, weeds should be properly deepened to a depth of 10-15 cm due to the close weeds.

4. Intercropping a new hillside vineyard with reasonable intercropping can not only make full use of land, increase soil fertility, but also play a role in maintaining water and soil and preventing weed breeding. Intercropping should be based on nitrogen-fixing soybeans, mung beans and other short legume crops as well, with the growth of age, intercropping crop income is reduced, in order to inhibit the growth of weeds, intercropping can be used for green manure crops, used to pressure green or manure, increase soil Organic matter.

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