
Chinese name: Vitex

Common name: none

Family name: Verbenaceae

Scientific name: Vitex negundo var. heterophylla

Features: deciduous shrubs, small stem four. Leaves long-stalked, palmately compound leaves opposite, leaflets elliptic-ovate, apex acute, margin sulciate or pinnatifid, abaxially grayish, pubescent.

Flowers: Flowers composed of panicles spreading, 12-20 cm long, calyx campanulate, 5-dentate. Corolla blue-purple, 2-lipped. 2 strong stamens, with style slightly outstretched. Flowering from June to August.

Fruit: Stone fruit, spherical or obovate. Fruit period from July to October.

Habitat: Born on the sunny slope of the mountain, forming a thicket.

Origin: Beijing is very widely distributed. Distributed in the northeast, north, northwest, central China, southwest and other provinces. Japan also has distribution.

Uses: Leaves and fruits can be used as medicine. When flowering, it is an excellent honey plant. Branches are good materials for woven baskets and also serve as ornamental plants.

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