Chinese Cabbage Storage and Preservation Technology

First, the storage characteristics Chinese cabbage leaf ball is formed under the frozen conditions, its poor protection of the organization, the leaves are susceptible to dehydration and wilting in the storage and shedding, the appropriate storage temperature of 0 ± 1 °C, relative humidity of 90% to 95 %. The storage loss of Chinese cabbage is mainly composed of stripping, rot, and weightlessness. High storage temperature and overage of dried vegetables will promote stripping and water loss. The disease resistance of Chinese cabbage during storage is gradually reduced, so the disease mainly occurs in the late middle of storage. Low temperature and high temperature are the main conditions for reducing the storage loss of Chinese cabbage.
Second, varieties and pre-harvest management Different varieties of Chinese cabbage have different storage properties. The late-maturing varieties are more resistant to storage than the early-maturing varieties; the Qinggang types are more resistant to storage than the white-gang types and the Qingbai Gang types are in the middle. The storability of Chinese cabbage has a certain relationship with the compactness of the leaf ball. Taking “Bacheng Heart” as a good example, it can prolong the storage period and reduce the loss. On the basis of adequate nitrogen fertilizer in the cultivation, the application of phosphorus and potassium fertilizer can improve the storability of Chinese cabbage. The irrigation should be stopped one week before the harvest, otherwise the tissue is crisp and tender, the water content is high, the metabolism is strong, and it is easy to cause mechanical damage.
3. Storage methods There are many storage methods for Chinese cabbage, including cellar storage, ventilation storage and mechanical refrigerator storage. In the pit or warehouse, there are storage, storage, basket storage and other methods. If mechanical ventilators are installed in a large ventilation warehouse to accelerate ventilation and reduce the temperature and eliminate ethylene, the effect is better. Take the cellar as an example to talk about the storage method of Chinese cabbage.
(I) Pre-storage treatment
1, suitable harvest. Storage cabbage should be timely harvested. Early harvesting not only produces low yields, but also has high temperatures and cellar temperatures that are not conducive to storage. If the harvest is too late, it may be frozen in the fields. Beijing, Hebei, Baoding and other places have the saying "when we don't cut vegetables in the winter, we must suffer."
2, drying. After the Chinese cabbage is chopped down, it is necessary to air in the field for 1-2 days so that the outer leaves lose part of the water and the tissue becomes soft, so as to reduce the mechanical damage and increase the cell liquid concentration and cold resistance. Drying should be moderate, otherwise excessive water loss, organization sluggishness, promote ethylene synthesis, speed up the decontamination, and some people in the storage of cabbage not drying vegetables, not vegetables, the use of forced ventilation to reduce the loss of new storage technology.
3, processing and pre-storage. The dried cabbage was transported to the side of the cellar, and the yellow rot was removed for grading. The temperature after the dressing was still high. It could be stored at the side of the cellar as a rectangle or a circle, and it should be stored during the pre-storage period. Rainproof, antifreeze.
4, drug treatment. In order to solve the detachment during the storage of Chinese cabbage, the roots of cabbage can be treated with 2, 4 drops at a low depth (10-15mg/1), and the drug efficacy is maintained for 2-3 months. It just escaped from the serious period of detachment, and the rot worsened later. , The efficacy has been reduced, it is easy to get rid of rotten vegetables to facilitate the repair of vegetables.
(B) Cellaring Methods and Management Techniques
1. Stacking methods Cabbage is grown in the cellar into strips about 2 meters high and 1 to 2 long, with a certain distance between them for ventilation management. When stacking, it is necessary to pay attention to prevent the cabbage from heating and reduce the number of retort dishes, but also pay attention to the stability of the vegetable mash and not easy to collapse. In addition, Chinese cabbage is placed on a layered shelf with gaps between each layer to promote ventilation and heat dissipation around the food. The shelf storage effect is good, the loss is low, the storage period is long, and the number of retort dishes is less than that of oyster storage. After the dishes are placed in the basket, they can be coded in a 5 to 7-storey stack in the library, with appropriate ventilation ducts between the baskets and the baskets. The mechanical refrigerators are relatively high, and most of them use basket storage or rack storage.
2. Storage management technology The management of the Chinese cabbage stored in the cellar or ventilation warehouse is to ventilate and pour the vegetables. The purpose is to reduce the temperature and dissipate heat. It can be divided into three periods:
(1) Pre-storage. From the entrance to the "big snow" or "winter solstice" for the early storage period, the temperature, cellar temperature and vegetable temperature are higher during this period, cabbage metabolism is strong, the release of respiratory heat, cellar temperature is often higher than 0 °C. In this period, ventilation and temperature reduction are the main requirements. It requires a large amount of air to be blown out for a long period of time. As far as possible, nighttime air release should be adopted so that the temperature can be lowered as quickly as possible and maintained at around 0°C. The beginning of the storage period should be short.
(2) In the middle of storage, the “winter solstice” to “establishing spring” are the coldest season of the year. At this time, both the vegetable temperature and the cellar temperature have decreased. Therefore, this period is dominated by frost-proof insulation, the number of retort dishes is reduced, and the cycle is prolonged. Proper ventilation.
(3) Late storage. After the “Establishment of Spring”, the temperature gradually increased, and the temperature in the cellar gradually increased. At this time, the Tibetan cabbage’s resistance to Tibet and its disease resistance decreased significantly, and it was susceptible to bacterial infection and rot. Ventilation should be based on the low temperature at night, the cycle of purging vegetables should be shortened, diligence should be reduced and the height of vegetables should be reduced.
In addition, cabbage can also be refrigerated, refrigerated cabbage does not require pre-storage, after a little drying cabbage, immediately the human library, there is no need to pour vegetables during storage. In a mild winter climate, cabbage can be stored. In the field or near the point of sale, pile up a single or double row of vegetable pods. The stack height is about 1.5m. When the weather is cold, it can cover the mat or the grass curtain to prevent freezing. This method is simple, short storage period and large loss.

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